Come into our recording studio in either Nottingham or London and record your own audio book. Or, send in your own high quality recorded files and we can edit them.

Or, alternatively, we can find a voiceover recording artist for you and record your book professionally.
To get a price quote for recording your own audio book – please download this attachment: Turn Book into Audio Diagram 0515
To book your audiobook recording, fill in this booking form AUDIOBOOK Booking Form 0615 and return it to us:
Are you a self-published author who wants to turn their book into audio? Here’s how we can help you to turn your book into an audiobook:
- We can help you turn your book into audio
- We can arrange for you to record your book in our Nottingham or London, England, UK recording studio
- OR (if you’ve already recorded it) – we can use your audio files
- OR if you preferred a professional voiceover artist to read your book, we can find one (or use one you’ve found)
- We can design the front cover of your audiobook (or if you’ve already done this, use what you have)
- We can put your book onto, (Amazons sister company), put your book on itunes – meaning it gets a potential audience of millions of buyers and listeners

Audible. Itunes, Soundcloud partners
- We help you to promote your audiobook by putting a sample e.g. 1-2 minutes of the book onto our soundcloud channel and a sample onto our YouTube channel
- Your royalties are paid across to you quarterly.
- There is a one-off fee (depends on the package you take – starts at £97)
- We only take 10% of the residual (the royalty). No ongoing fee. If you don’t sell any audiobooks, there is nothing to pay.
- Work once, and your audiobook could earn you a residual income forever.
- You maintain the rights to your work, we are simply publishing and hosting your content for you. We’d need 3 months notice if you wanted to cancel, (to allow time for us to remove it from the audible and itunes platforms and to pay across the last of the fee). We’d suggest leaving it on their platforms for a minimum of 24 months.
To get started with the audiobook, or if you have any questions, please email:
To give you a basic quote – please see the flow chart diagram Turn Book into Audio Diagram 0515, which explains the process and the price.
Every author is different, and the price will vary on your circumstances. For example:
- How many words does your book have? (A short book of 20 pages, will be far quicker to record and edit, than a book of 200 pages)
- Would you want to read this yourself, or would you want a voiceover artist to do the reading? (There are pros and cons with both)
- If you want to do the recording, which studio would be easiest for you to travel to? Our recording studio in Nottingham or London?
AUDIOBOOK QUOTE: Turn Book into Audio Diagram 0515